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BritaBRITA Mypure P1 Water Filtration System
Features: - Enjoy clean, fresher tasting water from your dedicated BRITA dispenser - BRITA P 1000 Filtration Technology for better taste and limescale reduction - Filter cartridge conveniently installs horizontally or vertically - Wall mountable for0 1686416864RUB16864RUB

BRITA Mypure P1 Water Filtration System в Назрани
Features: - Enjoy clean, fresher tasting water from your dedicated BRITA dispenser - BRITA P 1000 Filtration Technology for better taste and limescale reduction - Filter cartridge conveniently installs horizontally or vertically - Wall mountable for
P1-Your BRITA filter is doing nothing
P1-Your BRITA filter is doing nothing
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Great tasting, freshly filtered water straight from your tap. Turn on the taste. (15 sec)
Great tasting, freshly filtered water straight from your tap. Turn on the taste. (15 sec)
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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